
Personal Data Protection Charter

Last modified: May 06, 2024


This Personal Data Protection Charter defines our use of information about you, whether we collect directly or indirectly (hereinafter the “data personal“), and the measures we implement for protect. It also defines your rights with regard to the data personal information concerning you and the point of contact to obtain more information on the treatments we carry out or for exercise your rights.

Processing covered by the Personal Data Protection Charter

Who are responsible for the processing we carry out ?

This Personal Data Protection Charter applies to processing of personal data carried out by WhaleGraph (hereinafter together or individually “WhaleGraph”, “we” or “our”), acting as responsible for treatment. The data controller(s) may be contacted at the following

Who are the people concerned by the data processing? personal tasks that we carry out?

The people concerned by the data processing that we carry out are:

  • Any visitor to our website
  • Any visitor to our mobile application
  • Our clients, their employees, and/or customers and/or suppliers, and/or partners, and/or service provider

(hereinafter together and individually “you”, “your”)

We understand the importance of protecting the privacy of minors. Our website, app and services are not designed for minors aged 15 or under and are not intended for them. Our policy is not intended to collect or retain intentionally personal data of minors.

In what context do we process your personal data ?

This Personal Data Protection Charter sets out the how we collect, process, store and protect them when :

  • You browse or use our website
  • You browse or use our mobile app

Data collected on the domain

When we refer to “our website” or “this website“ herein we refer to the pages specific to the WhaleGraph website accessible via the following link :

Data collected from the mobile application

When we refer to “our mobile application” or “our application” herein, we make reference to the different views of our downloadable application via Google Play or App Store.

The collection, purposes and bases of the processing of your personal data

Visitors to our website

When you browse our website, we may collect personal data about you because you we provide it voluntarily or because we collect it automatically.

Data that you voluntarily communicate to us :

When (i) you fill out a form on our website, we may collect the information described below.

We do not collect sensitive data intentionally. YOU have no obligation to provide us with any data sensitive[1], and you should not share them with us. If you decide to communicate sensitive data to us via our site Web, you consent to this collection and processing of these data.

Data collectedPurposesLegal basisThe duration of the conversation
Data that you voluntarily communicate to us: Data of contact: name, first name, email address, telephone number.manage your requests transmitted from our website and there answer.Our legitimate interest in responding to any request or complaint received, invite you to events to which you have expressed an interest and/or send you information or newsletters according to your wishes or nature to interest you.Your data is kept for the duration necessary for processing the request.
Any other data that you decide to communicate to us.manage your requests transmitted from our website and there answer.Your consent by deciding to communicate to us a data that we have not requested, you consent to this that we use it for the purposes mentioned.Your data is kept for the duration necessary for processing the request.
Data we collect automatically: Cookies and web beacons.Manage, ensure the proper functioning, maintain and improve our website.Our legitimate interest in personalizing the experience online user, improve performance, the ergonomics of our website, carry out and measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities. Your consent the use of cookies when this is required.Your data is kept for a maximum period of 26 month.

Visitors to our application

When you browse our application, we may be required to collect personal data about you because that you communicate them to us voluntarily or because we collect automatically.

Data that you voluntarily communicate to us :

When (i) you interact with our application, we may collect the information described below.

We do not collect sensitive data intentionally. You have no obligation to provide us with any data sensitive[1], and you should not share them with us. If you decide to communicate sensitive data to us via our site Web, you consent to this collection and processing of these data.

Data collectedPurposesLegal basisThe duration of the conversation
Data that you voluntarily communicate to us : pseudonym, phone uuid, investisor profile and channel.The information collected is necessary for use of the application.Our legitimate interest in providing you with a service effective.Your data is kept for the duration necessary for treatment.
Data we collect automatically : statistics.Manage, ensure the proper functioning, maintain and improve. our app.Our legitimate interest in personalizing the experience online user, improve performance, the ergonomics of our application.Your data is kept for a maximum period of 26 month.

The people to whom we communicate your personal data

Who are the potential recipients of your personal data ?

For one or other of the purposes mentioned in the section “The collection and purposes of processing your data personal data” above, we may communicate personal data personal information concerning you to :

  • For one or other of the purposes mentioned in the section “The collection and purposes of processing your data personal data” above, we may communicate personal data personal information concerning you to :
  • any competent authority.
  • other third parties who may need access to the data personal information concerning you for one or more of the operations described in the section “The collection and purposes of the processing of your personal data” above.

We inform you that certain recipients of your data personal data mentioned above may reside in another country that a Member State of the European Union or the Economic Area European, whose laws and regulations do not provide the same level of protection with regard to personal data.

Technical and operational measures aimed at protecting your personal data

We use a set of technical measures and organizational measures aimed at protecting your personal data, process in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, and guarantee level of security appropriate to the risk. These measures include in particular :
  • Awareness and training to ensure that he knows our obligations regarding the protection of personal data and the best practices to adopt to protect them.
  • Technical controls so as to limit access to personal data to the only person who needs to know it for one or other of the aforementioned purposes.
  • Periodic audits aimed at analyzing the measures implemented place and monitor their effectiveness.
  • The establishment of internal procedures and policies, in particular for the management of requests to exercise law and adaptation procedures for handling confidentiality incidents.
  • IT security measures to ensure the protection against attacks and failures, including firewalls, encryption, antivirus software, antimalware and tools to prevent cyber attacks and breaches of personal data.
Although WhaleGraph takes all appropriate security measures at the time of collection of your personal data and within the framework of any processing of personal data, the transmission of data via the Internet (including by email) is never completely secure.

The duration of retention of your personal data

We will retain your personal data in our systems for the longest of the following durations :
  • The duration necessary to accomplish the objective or objectives objectives pursued during their collection.
  • The retention, archiving and limitation periods set out by law or regulations.
  • The end of the applicable limitation period following a dispute or investigation in connection with one of our offers or proposals, or one of our services.

Your rights

What are your rights ?

  • Obtain confirmation that we are processing your personal data and obtain a copy of the personal data we store concerning you.
  • Ask us to update your personal data held or to correct incorrect or incomplete personal data.
  • Ask us to delete the personal data we keep about you, or limit the use that we let's do some.
  • Withdraw your consent authorizing us to process your data personal (to the extent that this processing is subject to a consent).
  • To the extent prescribed by applicable law or regulation, receive a copy of the personal data you have given to us transmitted, in a structured, commonly used and readable by one machine and with a view to transmitting them to another party (to the extent that such processing is subject to a consent or contract). Object to the processing of your personal data.

Modifications to this Data Protection Charter personal

We can modify this Data Protection Charter periodically, due in particular to the evolution legislative and/or regulatory and internal policies concerning the protection of your personal data.

If we make changes to this Privacy Policy personal data, we will change the revision date at the top of the page. The modified version of this Data Protection Charter personal data will be applicable from this date. So, we encourage you to regularly consult this Charter in order to to keep you informed about how we protect your personal data.

How to use your rights ?

For any other questions regarding our use of your personal data, the exercise of your rights or the introduction of a complaint, you can contact our protection delegate data (Data Protection Officer or “DPO”) at the address

For any questions or requests raised with our services which would have remained unsuccessful, you are entitled to submit a complaint to la Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (« CNIL »), sis 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

Modifications to this Data Protection Charter personal

We can modify this Data Protection Charter periodically, due in particular to the evolution legislative and/or regulatory and internal policies concerning the protection of your personal data.

If we make changes to this Privacy Policy personal data, we will change the revision date at the top of the page. The modified version of this Data Protection Charter personal will be applicable from this date. So, we we encourage you to consult this Charter regularly in order to keep yourself informed about how we protect your data personal.

How to delete your account and remove your collected data from the app mobile

please follow this url to know the steps how to delete your data